Dr Laurent Thiry (MCF HDR)
Enseignant-Chercheur en Informatique
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Sources: dblp - google scholar
- L Thiry, M Hassenforder: Functional and Efficient Query Interpreters: Principle, Application and Performances’ Comparison.
International Conference on Semantic Web and Natural Language Processing (ICSWNLP 2019), Paris France, 28-29 Mars 2019. Best paper award
Published in International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 13 (2), 50-54.
- Laurent Thiry, Heng Zhao, Michel Hassenforder: Categories for (Big) Data models and optimization. J. Big Data 5: 21 (2018)
- Laurent Thiry, Heng Zhao, Michel Hassenforder: Categorical Models for BigData. BigData Congress 2018: 272-275
- A Saini, L Thiry: Functional programming for business process modeling. IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 10526-10531
- Mariem Mahfoudh, Germain Forestier, Laurent Thiry, Michel Hassenforder: Comment fusionner des ontologies avec la réécriture de graphes ? Tech. Sci. Informatiques 35(1): 31-53 (2016)
- H Chanti, L Thiry, M Hassenforder, E Blanchard, P Fromy: Fire safety DSL based algebra.
2015 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT)
- Mariem Mahfoudh, Germain Forestier, Laurent Thiry, Michel Hassenforder: Algebraic graph transformations for formalizing ontology changes and evolving ontologies. Knowl. Based Syst. 73: 212-226 (2015)
- Mariem Mahfoudh, Laurent Thiry, Germain Forestier, Michel Hassenforder: Une nouvelle formalisation des changements ontologiques composés et complexes. EGC 2015: 263-274
- Laurent Thiry, Michel Hassenforder: A Calculus for (Meta)Models and Transformations. Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng. 24(5): 715-730 (2014)
- Laurent Thiry, Mariem Mahfoudh, Michel Hassenforder: A Functional Inference System for the Web. Int. J. Web Appl. 6(1): 1-13 (2014)
- Mariem Mahfoudh, Germain Forestier, Laurent Thiry, Michel Hassenforder: Approche formelle de fusion d'ontologies à l'aide des grammaires de graphes typés. EGC 2014: 565-568
- Mariem Mahfoudh, Laurent Thiry, Germain Forestier, Michel Hassenforder: Algebraic Graph Transformations for Merging Ontologies. MEDI 2014: 154-168
- Houda Chanti, Laurent Thiry, Michel Hassenforder, JF Brillhac, Philippe Fromy: Formalization and composition of languages for the modeling of fire safety systems. FAC Proceedings Volumes.
- Laurent Thiry, Michel Hassenforder: Surfing with Fun. TASE 2013: 139-142
- Laurent Thiry, Michel Hassenforder: Micro languages for systems. Transaction on Control and Mechanical Systems 1 (8)
- Mariem Mahfoudh, Laurent Thiry, Germain Forestier, Michel Hassenforder: Adaptation consistante d'ontologies à l'aide des grammaires de graphes. IC 2013: 129-138
- Mariem Mahfoudh, Germain Forestier, Laurent Thiry, Michel Hassenforder: Consistent Ontologies Evolution Using Graph Grammars. KSEM 2013: 64-75
- Frédéric Fondement, Pierre-Alain Muller, Laurent Thiry, Brice Wittmann, Germain Forestier: Big Metamodels Are Evil - Package Unmerge - A Technique for Downsizing Metamodels. MoDELS 2013: 138-153
- L Thiry, F Fondement, PA Muller: Categorical reasoning about meta-models. IEEE 2012 Sixth International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, pp. 275-278
- L Thiry: Functional metamodels for discrete event systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 7854-7859
- Laurent Thiry: Une interprétation fonctionnelle de l'IDM. Tech. Sci. Informatiques 29(4-5): 601-620 (2010)
- L Thiry, B Thirion: Functional metamodels for systems and software. Journal of Systems and Software 82 (7), 1125-1136
- T Collonvillé, L Thiry, JM Perronne, B Thirion: A metamodeling approach for safe control software. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 8455-8460
- L Thiry, B Thirion, M Hassenforder: Dsls pour le développement agile de transformations. IDM’08, 16
- A Rasse, JL Boulanger, G Mariano, L Thiry, JM Perronne: Approche orientée modèles pour une conception UML certifiée des systèmes logiciels critiques. Actes de la Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA 08)
- L Thiry, B Thirion: Functional (meta) models for the development of control software IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 8449-8454
- DDO Ossami, JM Mota, L Thiry, JM Perronne, JL Boulanger, G Mariano: A Method to Model Guidelines for Developing Railway Safety-Critical Systems With Uml. ICSOFT (SE), 236-243
- D Okalas Ossami, JM Mota, L Thiry, JM Perronne, JL Boulanger: A method to model guidelines for developing railway safety-critical systems with UML. the 7th International SPICE Conference (Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination), Seoul (Korea).
- JM Perronne, L Thiry, B Thirion: Architectural concepts and design patterns for behavior modeling and integration. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 70 (5-6), 314-329
- Jean-Marc Perronne, Laurent Thiry, Bernard Thirion: Architectural concepts and Design Patterns for behavior modeling and integration. Math. Comput. Simul. 70(5-6): 314-329 (2006)
- L Thiry, JM Perronne, B Thirion: Modélisation objet de comportements appliquée aux logiciels de commande. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) 39 (5-6), 657-686
- JM Perronne, A Rasse, L Thiry, B Thirion: A modeling framework for complex behavior modeling and integration. IADIS AC, 201-208
- Laurent Thiry, Jean-Marc Perronne, Bernard Thirion: Patterns for behavior modeling and integration. Comput. Ind. 55(3): 225-237 (2004)
- Laurent Thiry, Bernard Thirion: Object Oriented Modelling and Simulation of Complex Control Systems. ESM 2002: 115-119
- B Thirion, L Thiry: Concurrent programming for the control of hexapod walking. ACM SIGAda Ada Letters 22 (1), 17-28
- JM Perronne, C Petitjean, L Thiry, M Hassenforder: A framework for advanced fuzzy logic inference systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 35 (1), 175-180
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docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA
docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA
docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA
docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA
docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA
docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA
docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA
docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA
docteur dr laurent thiry enseignant chercheur informatique computer science mulhouse uha france web semantic java uml fsharp functional imperative Java JAVA